Here's What Happened To Joey Buttafuoco

In 2015, Joey Buttafuoco told Crime Watch Dailythat the Amy Fisher scandal had immediate consequences for him even as the dust was settling on the story, including what he claims were attempts on his life. "Public opinion was against me right from the beginning within the first two weeks ... People shot at me all

In 2015, Joey Buttafuoco told Crime Watch Daily that the Amy Fisher scandal had immediate consequences for him even as the dust was settling on the story, including what he claims were attempts on his life. "Public opinion was against me right from the beginning within the first two weeks ... People shot at me all the time. One time bullets came past me and they were going right through the glass in my business," he said.

He and Mary Jo tried to save their marriage, moving from New York to California, but it didn't last, and 10 years after Fisher's trial, she filed for divorce from him, according to USA Today. As recently as 2016, it was clear that there was no love lost between the two. "[He exhibits] the behavior of a sociopath," she said (via People).

Meanwhile, his relationships with his adult children may be ruined, too. As The New York Daily News reported, Buttafuoco's daughter, Jessie Buttafuoco, believed her childhood was stolen but has maintained contact with her father. Her brother, Paul, however, now has a different last name as he does not want to be associated with his dad anymore.

