The Meaning Behind The Song: Say Amen by Brian Free & Assurance

Music has a profound way of touching our souls and connecting us to something beyond ourselves. One song that has especially resonated with me on my own personal journey is Say Amen by Brian Free & Assurance. This powerful anthem of faith has brought me comfort, strength, and inspiration, reminding me of Gods faithfulness and


Music has a profound way of touching our souls and connecting us to something beyond ourselves. One song that has especially resonated with me on my own personal journey is “Say Amen” by Brian Free & Assurance. This powerful anthem of faith has brought me comfort, strength, and inspiration, reminding me of God’s faithfulness and power in the midst of life’s struggles.

Table of Contents

The Journey of Faith

In the opening lines of the song, we are reminded that life is a journey that requires us to walk by faith. This journey is not always easy, as there will always be mountains and valleys in our way. However, in this very moment, we can find renewed strength as we reflect on what God has done in our lives and how we have seen Him move.

A Testimony of Faithfulness

The chorus of “Say Amen” invites us to testify and respond to God’s faithfulness. It encourages those who have experienced His unwavering faithfulness to say, “Amen.” It is an invitation to acknowledge and declare that God is indeed faithful in their lives.

The song further invites those who have witnessed God’s power and deliverance in the midst of trials to say, “Amen.” It is a testament to the fact that God is able to bring us through any fire we may face.

Finding Joy and Peace

Life can be filled with hardships and sorrow, but “Say Amen” reminds us that we can find joy in the midst of our pain, peace in the midst of our storms, and hope for tomorrow. It reassures us that God’s faithfulness is not a one-time occurrence but a continuous presence in our lives.

Reminding ourselves of God’s Strength

The song encourages us to be bold and courageous, especially in times of darkness when it becomes hard to see. It reminds us that the power of Christ resides within us, giving us the strength and victory over the challenges we face. It reminds us that the battle belongs to the Lord.

A Personal Connection

Personally, this song has become an anthem of hope and encouragement during difficult seasons of my life. It has reminded me to trust in God’s faithfulness and power, even when circumstances seem overwhelming. It has allowed me to testify of the greatness of God in my life and encouraged me to keep holding on to my faith.

About the Album and Songwriters

“Say Amen” is featured on Brian Free & Assurance’s album titled “Unashamed,” released on April 8, 2014. The song was written by Kenna Turner West, Jason Cox, and Michael Farren. It beautifully combines elements of country and Christian music, making it accessible to a wide range of listeners.


“Say Amen” by Brian Free & Assurance is an uplifting and inspiring song that reminds us of the power and faithfulness of God in our lives. It encourages us to testify to His goodness and strength, and to find joy, peace, and hope even in the midst of trials. Reflecting on the lyrics of this song has been a source of strength and encouragement for me, and I hope it becomes the same for all who listen to it.

